Download Spiderhead (2022) Dual Audio [Hindi-English] on 9kmovies

Download Spiderhead (2022) Dual Audio [Hindi-English] on 9kmovies

Download Spiderhead (2022) Dual Audio [Hindi-English] on 9kmovies

Download Spiderhead (2022) in Hindi-English Audio HD Quality 480p, 720p. This movie file size is 400MB and 800MB. The story of this movie is based on Sci-Fi, Thriller.

This movie featured Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller, Jurnee Smollett, Joey Viera, Sam Delich, Mark Paguio, Tess Baubrich, Ashleigh Lawrence in lead roles.

Spiderhead Movie Information

Name: Spiderhead

Year: 2022

Language:  Hindi English

Quality: 480p & 720p

Size: 400MB, 800MB

Format: AVI, MKV, MP4 

Spiderhead Movie official trailer


Spiderhead Movie full story

Spiderhead is a research facility experimenting the impacts of feeling modifying drugs. The guineas pigs, in fact detainees of the state, are volunteers for the venture, meaning to lessen their sentence time. The program is regulated by the thoughtful and friendly Steve Abnesti, alongside his associate, Mark. The subjects go through everyday trials of different medications, all of which modify your feelings and your impression of your environmental elements. One investigation is on that of a ‘adoration drug’, used to test the association between detainees. Prisoner Jeff, actually staggering from his previous oversight of killing his companion while plastered driving, is one of the subjects given said drug. He has intercourse with two of his kindred detainees, and is subsequently asked by Steve to pick which one of them to give Darkenfloxx, a medication that incites serious physical and mental agony. He declines to pick, asserting he doesn’t feel anything specifically for both of them after the effects of the adoration drug had worn off. He does, in any case, care deeply about an alternate detainee, Lizzy. The following day, Steve conciliatory lets him know that the ‘higher ups’ have decided for him, and that the more youthful of the two ladies, Heather, should be infused with a portion, however it will just most recent 5 minutes. Jeff hesitantly concurs, and sadly, Heather ends it all while on the Darkenfloxx. As Steve surges out of the projection room, he drops his notorious arrangement of keys. Jeff gets said keys and opens Steve’s work area compartment; he finds that there could be no ‘higher ups’ and that Steve is actually the main impetus behind these harsh examinations. During a discussion with Lizzy, it is uncovered that Jeff not just killed his companion in the fender bender, however his sweetheart too. Lizzy embraces him and they kiss. Mark becomes careful about Steve’s thought processes, and it is inferred that he and Jeff devise an arrangement. Subsequent to outsmarting Steve’s next investigate Lizzy, Jeff gets Steve to confess to the genuine objective of the program; to test a consistence drug, B-6. Different medications are simply a side undertaking, used to put B-6 to a definitive test. Meanwhile the detainees have been consenting to the different tests, they’ve truly been affected by the compliance drug. With Mark and the police currently moving toward the island, Steve endeavors to make a getaway, as Jeff and Lizzy endeavor to surpass their kindred detainees who have been requested (under the effects of the B-6) to get Jeff and Lizzy. Steve crashes his flying boat into a mountain, probably biting the dust, while Jeff and Lizzy speedboat off toward the distant horizon. 


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