Barely surviving his previous assignment, Tyler Rake has retired from mercenary work to a cabin in Austria, where he is approached by a stranger named Alcott who asks him to save his ex-wife’s sister Mia Ketevan and her friends. two children Sandro and Nina, who is currently imprisoned with her gangster husband Davit Radiani in Tekacheri prison in Georgia.
Tyler recruits Nick and Yaz to join him and they infiltrate the prison. They try to get Ketevan and his children out without alerting a sleeping Davitt, but Davitt wakes up and alerts the other prisoners loyal to him, as they confront Tyler and his team and start a riot, forcing them to fight their way out. . During the extraction, Davitt attacks Tyler and Ketevan, with Tyler viciously killing Davitt.
Prisoners flock to Tyler and Ketevan and are forced to fight their way through the crowd while constantly being attacked. The group managed to escape and return to their safe house in Vienna. However, Ketevan and Davit’s teenage son Sandro, who idolizes his father, realizes that Tyler killed his father and secretly contacts his uncle and Davit’s older brother, Zurab, who sets out to find Tyler in order to find and restore him. avenge his nephew.
Zurab and his men follow Tyler and the others to the safe house, trapping them in the building. In the chaos, Sandro leaves the group to find Zurab. Tyler and the group end up taking one of Zurab’s helicopters to get away, but Yaz is killed by Zurab. Tyler and the group return to his cabin, where he and Ketevan reunite with Mia.
Tyler apologizes to Mia for leaving her on a mission before their son died of cancer. Zurab calls Tyler and tells him to meet at a nearby airport where he is holding Sandro hostage. After raiding the airport, Tyler finds Zurab and Sandro at a nearby church, with Sandro wearing a suicide vest. Zurab forces Sandro to take Tyler’s gun and aim at him, but Nick arrives, leading to a confrontation.
To drive Sandro away, the three shoot each other; Tyler retaliates and kills Zurab, but Nick is badly injured and knocked unconscious when the police invade the church. In the aftermath, Nick and Tyler are imprisoned and Mia informs Tyler that Ketevan and his children have been taken into custody. Tyler is released from prison to meet Alcott, who offers to recruit him. However, he tells Tyler that he cannot accept his offer without Nick, as Alcott is also recruiting Nick and Tyler agrees to join them.